韓方育髮 毛毛皂_100g_買3送1(共4塊)
原價:1400 元

  • 配送方式:宅配
  • 付款方式:ATM轉帳 / 信用卡付款 / 貨到付款 / 劃撥



品名: 天麻 何首烏 亮黑漢方洗頭手工皂

成分:成分:魚腥草、紫蘇葉、綠茶、金銀花、忍冬、何首烏、天麻、豨薟草簽草、椰油酸鈉、甘油、山梨醇、薄荷香精油、鹽、水 。




地址:臺北市南京東路五段 305 號 1 F













(10) 注重個人衛生及飲食習慣,避免辛辣、油膩、高熱量的食物,易使皮脂腺分泌旺盛,尤其油性頭皮或易產生毛囊炎者都應避免。

Korea Herbal Scalp Soap

Specially Formulated For Scalp Treatment, Hair Strengthening and Conditioning.

This natural soap made of fermented Oriental herbs produces creamy and soft bubbles with a fresh herb fragrance. Containing mild natural materials, the soap moisturizes and supplies nutrition to the skin through pure high-density cleansing solutions. Keep the soap in a cool and dry place after use.
How to Use
Apply abundant bubbles on your face like applying a face pack, massage the bubbles for five minutes and softly rinse with tepid water. 
Rub the soap in your palms two to three times to lather, lightly massage the bubbles onto your face and body for 10-20 minutes and rinse with tepid water.
Do not apply to a body area with a wound, eczema or dermatitis.
Stop using the soap if any red rash, swelling, pruritus or irritated skin occurs. 
In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with clean water.
Do not use the soap for purposes other than cleaning the body.
Keep the soap out of the reach of infants and young children.

品名:金蔘 手工毛毛皂(韓國原裝進口)  

出廠重量:100 公克

成分:魚腥草、紫蘇葉、綠茶、金銀花、忍冬、何首烏、天麻、豨薟草簽草、椰油酸鈉、甘油、山梨醇、薄荷香精油、鹽、水 。

用途:清潔毛髮、毛孔、頭皮髒汙;強化滋養頭髮及頭皮;維護調理頭髮、頭皮的健康 。

用法:以手沾濕搓揉起泡後,再抹於頭皮輕輕搓揉,直到泡沫幾乎沒有,再以清水沖洗乾淨 。



地址:台北市南京東路五段 305 號 1 F 




.本產品經美國 FDA 登錄 / 韓國大邱保健大學及建東大學產學合作











(10) 注重個人衛生及飲食習慣,避免辛辣、油膩、高熱量的食物,易使皮脂腺分泌旺盛,尤其油性頭皮或易產生毛囊炎者都應避免。

Korea Herbal Scalp Soap

Specially Formulated For Scalp Treatment, Hair Strengthening and Conditioning.

This natural soap made of fermented Oriental herbs produces creamy and soft bubbles with a fresh herb fragrance. Containing mild natural materials, the soap moisturizes and supplies nutrition to the skin through pure high-density cleansing solutions. Keep the soap in a cool and dry place after use.

How to Use
Apply abundant bubbles on your face like applying a face pack, massage the bubbles for five minutes and softly rinse with tepid water. 
Rub the soap in your palms two to three times to lather, lightly massage the bubbles onto your face and body for 10-20 minutes and rinse with tepid water.

Do not apply to a body area with a wound, eczema or dermatitis.
Stop using the soap if any red rash, swelling, pruritus or irritated skin occurs. 
In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with clean water.
Do not use the soap for purposes other than cleaning the body.
Keep the soap out of the reach of infants and young children.
